a red and yellow star with hearts on it
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a red and yellow star with hearts on it

a red and yellow flag with a red star

Pink heart with yellow star

Light Purple Heart with big yellow star

A Light Purple Heart with a big yellow star

Light Purple Heart with big yellow star

Heart with star

red star

red star

A heart with the Muslim moon and star which are yellow in the middle of the heart

Yellow blue hearts

a yellow star on a white background

a green cup with a yellow star on it

Half a star yellow

a boy in a red shirt with a yellow star on his shirt

Three red hearts

heart star

dark red star

red star emoji

red star emoji

Moon and star red

a pixel art picture of a yellow star

red heart with a yellow bow

red heart with gold accents and with gold star lights

Red glowing star

Cute little red hearts

a white and red face with hearts on it

Red hearts and black hair

light purple star and heart

a yellow star on a gray background

a yellow circle with a brown star on it

yellow star shaped sunglasses

yellow star shaped sunglasses

Two red hearts

firework of red hearts

basic red star emoji

basic red star emoji

a yellow smiley face with a red heart

a painting of a yellow vase with a red heart on it

A heart with moon and star

Cheeta heart star

a red star character with two arms and legs