Color and Fur: • Base color: Black and white. • Fur texture: Fluffy, long, and soft, with a slight sheen. 2. Face Structure: • Shape: Rounded face with prominent, soft cheeks. • Eyes: Large, round, slightly upward-tilted, with yellow-green irises and a curious, alert expression. 3. Nose and Unique Patch: • Nose: Small, black nose centered on the face. • Distinctive Patch: A black “mole” or small patch directly starts from the nose, to the one side of the left cheek little above the mouth near the cat whiskers. 4. Facial Pattern: • Symmetry: Black and white markings that form a mask-like shape around the eyes and nose. • Chin and Lower Cheeks: White fur around the chin and lower cheeks, contrasting with the black on the upper part of the face. 5. Ears: • Shape: Triangular, fluffy ears with a slight outward angle. • Color: Black on the outside, possibly with small hints of white at the base or edges. 6. Expression: • The overall expression should be calm, curious, stupid, funny and slightly playful, capturing a warm and friendly demeanor.
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a bouquet of pink tulips on a gray background

a close up of a pink lipstick on a gray background

a pink and yellow flower on a gray background

a pink and yellow flower on a gray background

a pink and white flower on a gray background

a pink and white flower on a gray background

a close up of a pink lipstick on a gray background

a cake with a candle on top of it

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a can of soda with a pink ribbon tied around it

Pale skin Ballerina dancing

Fluffy puppy

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a close up of a flower and a coconut

A Shih tzu dog

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Pink Dr Pepper can with nothing else

a white swan with a pink bow on its neck

a hello kitty holding a heart on a gray background

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Pink dolphin

a pink bow with lace on a gray background

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a pair of white headphones with a pink bow

A cute puppy dog with a pink bow on it

Deer Christmas

birkin bag

a pair of pink ballet shoes sitting on top of each other

a handbag with a gold y on the front

a small deer standing on top of a gray surface

A Sea turtle with a cute pink bow

Ugg slippers

a heart shaped object with a pink bow