a pair of scissors and a spool of thread
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a smiley face with two hearts on it

a smiley face with hearts surrounding it

a smiley face with hearts on it

a smiley face with a thumbs up sign

a smiley face with a thumbs up sign

a group of crystals sitting on top of a pile of rocks

A teddy bear is holding a bouquet of pink tulips

white and pink pill

a cartoon character with a surprised look on his face

a cartoon character with a surprised look on his face

a pink button with the word ok on it

a smiley face with a smile on it

a smiley face with a pink bow on it

Hello kitty sleeping

a cartoon hello kitty with a red bow on her head

Black baby English bulldog


Black woman licking eggplant

a blue ball with a frown on its face

a blue ball with eyes and hands with a surprised expression

a smiley face with glasses on it's face

burgundy heart

a yellow emoticive emotication emotication emotication emotic

a smiley face holding a knife and giving a thumbs up

a drawing of a cute little stitch stitch stitch stitch stitch stitch stitch stitch stitch stitch

a yellow face with a black nose and a pink tongue

a drawing of a dog with a sweater on

a drawing of a dog with a sweater on

a pink bow on a gray background

Spiderman creating a heart spiderweb

a cartoon character with a gun in his hand

I’m yours no refunds

Very demure

blonde girl with long hair and light skin shoulders wrapped up in a pink plaid blanket drinking hot chocolate

a white shell with a pearl in it

an emo emo emo emo emo emo emo em

create a pink heart with red kisses

a yellow emoticive emotication emotication emotication emotic

a plastic cup with a straw in it

Pink butterfly

a drawing of a dog with a pink bow on its head

A sad duckling